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Taste Algarve TV programmes - They work as a gastronomic guide, inviting you to take a tour through the Algarve and its flavors. In every programme we (Mariana & Sofia) will take Peter, an "unexpected foreigner", along the gastronomic Algarve.
We will show all the typical food and drinks that should make a way to your plate but sometimes remain hidden from tourists view!
During these programmes we will taste all these delicious gems but also see where they are made, how they are made and where you can find them too.
Don't miss our next destinations!
Check also other TV, newspaper and magazine articles with Taste Algarve.
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Lux Woman - July 2012
"Achar que o Algarve é só sol e praia fica muito aquém daquilo que a região tem para oferecer. A Taste Algarve é a prova disso e mostra o outro lado desta região através da gastronomia. As mentoras do projecto são Mariana e Sofia, ambas amantes da boa comida...
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